Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The Stone Bearers

Ashira, just received the worst prophecy of all time. She, who longs for travel and adventure and maybe even a prince to marry, had all her hopes and dreams dashed when the Seer told her the best path for her would be a "life of no renown".

But how can life be so unfair? Her sisters had already received fantastic prophecies and were living much better lives than those of a potter's daughter should.
Determined to make her own destiny, Ashira volunteers to follow a Stone Bearer and learn more about the magic in the world. By living in the temples and learning about magic, Ashira does get to travel and have adventures. However with a demon on the way, has she wished for more than she can handle, and would she have been better off sticking with her life of no renown?

Stevens does a fantastic job of bringing the characters and the magic of the world to life. I was fully enveloped and by the third chapter was engrossed. The first few chapters are little slow and difficult to get into but are needed to set some of the foundation of the story. Stevens does manage to bring everything together by the end of the book and have everything make sense.

For a limited time, The Stone Bearers is available for purchase at 90% off to celebrate the launch of the new title. You can get your copy at the link below at this price until the end of the day of March 16th, 2016.

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