Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Potty training sequence initiated

Minion number 3 is finally approaching one of his first rites of passage. We are exactly one month away from the 2nd annual celebration of his existence and to prepare for the challenge we have already equipped one bathroom with a miniature potty and we have the "big boy" underwear stocked.

There seems to be only one major roadblock. He has developed potty anxiety. While to he wants to emulate mommy, daddy, and his siblings, every time I try to sit him on the potty alone he starts to cry. However, if I sit on the big potty, he will come and sit down on his little potty and everything is ok, until I try to take his diaper off.

At the suggestion of one of his day care teachers, I have gotten a book and started making that his potty book. The book is a simple alphabet book that takes photographs of everyday objects that happen to look like letters.


This hardcover book features full color glossy pages of real life photographs. The book is a collection of a ten year old's art project. All the colors are vivid and the pictures give me plenty to talk about with my little guy while we wait for him to get comfortable while using the potty.

You can read more about this amazing ten year old boy and see more of his art work at his website.


Another thing that I have used to help make him feel more comfortable on the potty is to provide some simple snacks, usually fish crackers. To help keep them contained, I use SnackCubby's little re-usable snack cylinders.

Generally,  Snack Cubby containers are awesome and are just the right size for packing that salty or sweet snack in a lunch box. The sides are silicone and offer a little more protection than the standard zip-top bag, but if really put through activity you will end up with a container full of crumbs. I have yet to have a container randomly pop open but with the design that is my number 1 worry (as I mentioned, it has not happened yet).

They do come with caps that you can use to make large Popsicles however they would be too big for my kids at this point in time (my oldest are 9 and 6). I do look forward to using them later to make large yogurt popsicles.

The only next hurdle I foresee  may be to teach him to pee standing up. Although with such devices as the "P-thing" I may be able to teach him without the assistance of daddy.

The "P-Thing" is a funnel like device that was created to level the potty playing field between men and women. The funnel makes it possible to women to pee standing up. The only hard part about using it is to maintain aiming while giggling.

The "P-thing" funnel is made out of a soft silicone. This makes it easy to clean and easy to store. I have stashed it in my purse while traveling, in case of "road-side emergencies (no more squatting and accidentally wetting part of my pants) or to save me from public restrooms that are not as well kept as they should be.

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