Monday, July 20, 2020

Sock It to Me, I'm Back!

Hello Everyone,

I know it has been a long while, like 4 years since my last blog post. I thought I had reached a point in my life where it was time to move on to other projects, but then I realized that I really did miss writing in this format. So for those of you who are returning with me: Thank you for your patience. I am excited to get back to this. For those of you who are just discovering this blog: Welcome! Now lets have some fun.

When I was a little kid the absolute worst present I could get were clothes. The excitement and mystery of a wrapped gift fading and souring a little as I pulled back the wrapping paper only to discover fabric of a nice shirt, or (heaven forbid) socks and undergarments. Birthdays, Christmas, any other holiday, it did not matter. To my little kid brain, clothes were not impressive; they were not fun, or exciting. That is not to say that I was an ungrateful child. I DID appreciate the fact that someone took the time to get me a gift, but lets face it, to a child clothes vs. toys? Toys will win out every time.

When did that all change? I love receiving clothes now, especially socks. I love a fun sock (and yes, socks can be fun.) I recently found a company that specializes in socks. Not just any socks, SockThat will take any photo that you want and turn them into socks. Imagine having kooky, one-of-a-kind socks that are specific to you. You and your bestie have an inside joke? Put it on a sock! You could wear your favorite meme, or even have your pets featured on your feet. I know that when I see someone with unusual socks I stop them to ask them about it. Most of the time, the sock wearer is more than happy to tell me about them.

Your socks can be an icebreaker to get conversations started or they can be a statement piece!

With SockThat it is more than just socks with them. They are also dedicated to the finer details. The subtle touches. A celebration of the understated sock should also be about love, giving back to people who need it the most, and turning the ordinary into the extraordinary. SockThat works closely with various charity organizations, LGBT communities, as well as local arts and cultural communities providing them the help they need to receive the support they need to prosper.

You can check them out at SockThat! or on Facebook or Instagram. And should you be so inclined to give the company a try, use the discount code Bell$5 for $5 off your purchase!!

Happy sock-making and designing!

As always feedback, questions, comments, and suggestions are always welcome. Please remember to follow the blog and register your email address at the top of the page to have new posts delivered right to your email inbox and never miss an update.

Disclaimer: please be aware that any item mentioned in this blog may have been received for free or at a discount in exchange for a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this blog are my own regardless of how the items were acquired.